Monday, March 10, 2014

Finally. :)

It's been about 2 months since the last time I posted in my blog.

Kinda boring right? But I do appreciate the number of views I get. THANK YOU! :* But I know my blog isn't much at all. Hahaha. It's a place where I rant and where I feel better. That's what blogs are supposed to do, right? And I don't mind you criticizing my grammar or whatnot. It's my blog. You're entitled to your opinions, but I'm entitled to my right. :)

The sparks are gone now. I don't know what made it go away. Probably him knowing, or the people knowing, or probably because practically everyone knows (THANK YOU TRUTH OR DARE -.-), but it's not the same like the last. I'm finally happy and content.

And yes, you do know who I'm referring to. The one I made the really bitter post to. Wait, was it even bitter? No. It wasn't.

I never had it right from the start. Continuing my feelings will only make the matters worse and more complicated. We're both trying to move on. And that's okay. See that's the best thing about things like this, and it isn't love. It's being logical in every move you make. Being happy. Being content. And when you finally realize that you're not. You stop.

It's not easy though. Trying hard to stop. Especially when everyone else had no clue what you're going to do. When they tell you that he's fine. She's fine. They're okay. It's hard.

But soon enough, you get used to the routine, and you find your place.

And you realize it's not with him. Then you slowly drift away, hoping for the best.

And when you finally stop trying. You stop.

No more butterflies in your tummy. No more sparks when you look at each other. No more heartaches when you see them together or hear news about them. You are finally happy.

It's not a thing you can do overnight. Trust me, I TRIED. But soon enough, you will find yourself back on your feet again. Ready to look for the right person. Maybe you sought too early, or you looked too late. But soon enough, you will see him. The guy you're destined for. :)

He will not be perfect. He wouldn't even be your type. But he will be there. and we will make really cute babies.

I'm not even kidding. Hahaha. :)

It was fun while it lasted. But I guess we're better off as friends. Thanks for the thrill, you. :)

(I'm pretty sure he can't read this because he already read my blog the other day. Hahaha, no chances. And I'm positive that when we grow older and have a reunion or something, this will be one thing we'll laugh about. Hahaha. No regrets at all.)


By the way here are some really adorable photos from my 18th :)
Did I ever mention he's still 17? Or was it 16?

Lots of love and moving on, Czar. <3